- Heavens 06'23
- Tempestuous, 03'24
- Space View, 05'22
- A Space-Ship, 01'22
- Moody, 02’24
- Let’s Race, 06’22
- Into The Forest, 04’24
- Sailing, 05'22, Gouache
- Precarious, 02'24
- Faraway Beach
- Roosted Elsewhere, 03’24
- Roosted, 03’24
- Portals (two), 12'20
- Perched, 06’22, Gouache
- Perched Elsewhere, 08’22, Gouache
- Oh, Clouds, 02’22
- Eclipse
- Chicken, 10'23
- Lost in the Forest, 12'21
- Fire Breath, 09'22
- Being Chased, 04'22
- A Place Named Leh, 03'21
- A Forest from the Bible, 11'20
- 'Tis but a Sailboat, 05'20, Ink
- SS Nighttime, 05'21, Gouache
- Warmth, 09'18, Gouache
- Leafy, 06'20, Watercolor
- SS Sunrise, 05'21, Gouache
- Spidey, 2018
- A Designer's World, 04'21
- Vertigo, 09'18, Ink
- SS Sunset, 05'21, Gouache
- Portals (one), 02'19, Gouache
- Passage, 04'19, Gouache
- SS Daytime, 05'21, Gouache
- SS Windy Day, 05'21, Gouache
- Mushrooms, 11'18, Watercolor
- Moon View, 05'20, Ink
- SS Cotton Candy Clouds, 05'21, Gouache
- Mando, 07'20, Gouache
- Miles | 2019
- Peter, 2019
- Last Meal, 10'18, Watercolor
- Shang Chi, 2021
- SS Above a Beach, 05'21, Gouache
- Falling, 03'19, Gouache
- SS Almost Another Sunset, 05'21, Gouache
- SS Almost Sunset, 05'21, Gouache
- SS Arabian Nights, 05'21, Gouache
- SS Blue Hour, 05'21, Gouache
- SS Daylight, 05'21, Gouache
- SS Golden Hour Again, 05'21, Gouache
- SS Golden Hour, 05'21, Gouache
- SS Pink Hour, 05'21, Gouache
- SS Dawn, 05'21, Gouache
- SS Sun Storm, 05'21, Gouache
- Cap, 2020
- Groot, 2019
- SS Cloudy, 05'21, Gouache
- SS Thunderstorm, 05'21, Gouache
- SS Twilight, 05'21, Gouache
- Dr. Strange, 2018
- Hulk, 2018
- Lego Batman, 2022